4  Writing Articles with Quarto

4.1 Setting Up Template

You can find templates made by quarto and others for many popular journals (PLOS, ASA, Elsevier, …).

  1. Set up a article with a journal template in your terminal:

    quarto use template quarto-journals/elsevier
  2. It will ask you what to call the sub-directory for your article files:

    Directory name: › my_elsevier_article
  3. One small change — add the line pdf: default in the YAML for it to compile without error:

4.2 Writing Your Article

When writing your article in Qaurto, you can use

  • markdown (headers with #, bold with **, italics with *, etc.)

  • citations and cross references (with @)

  • LaTeX formulas (with single or double dollar signs $$)

  • R code to include plots and tables

If you use Quarto in your everyday research workflow, it will be a quick transition to writing a paper with Quarto.

4.3 Preview the Final Product

Click “Render” in Rstudio. The article I created from the template can be previewed here.