2  Tables and Plots

library(gapminder) # provides gapminder dataset

library(plotly) # for interactive plots
library(gganimate) # for animated plots
library(knitr) # for kable tables
library(kableExtra) # for even prettier kable tables
library(tableone) # for baseline characteristics table

2.1 gapminder dataset

Country-specific data from 1952 to 2007 with the following variables: country, continent, year, lifeExp, pop, and gdpPercap.

2.2 Tables

Base R table Function or Manual Data Manipulation


  Africa Americas     Asia   Europe  Oceania 
     624      300      396      360       24 
gapminder %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(country, year)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(continent) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  continent lifeExp       pop gdpPercap
  <fct>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Africa       48.9  9916003.     2194.
2 Americas     64.7 24504795.     7136.
3 Asia         60.1 77038722.     7902.
4 Europe       71.9 17169765.    14469.
5 Oceania      74.3  8874672.    18622.

Kable tables

  1. Bootstrap Theme

    t(table(gapminder$continent)) %>%
      kableExtra::kbl() %>%
    Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
    624 300 396 360 24
  2. Paper theme

    t(table(gapminder$continent)) %>%
      kableExtra::kbl() %>%
        "hover", full_width = F
    Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
    624 300 396 360 24
  3. Classic theme

    t(table(gapminder$continent)) %>%
      kableExtra::kbl() %>%
        full_width = F,
        position = 'left'
    Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
    624 300 396 360 24

Table One

  1. Basic Baseline Characteristics

    tab = tableone::CreateTableOne(
      data = gapminder,
      vars = c('continent','lifeExp','pop','gdpPercap')
      n                            1704               
      continent (%)                                   
         Africa                     624 (36.6)        
         Americas                   300 (17.6)        
         Asia                       396 (23.2)        
         Europe                     360 (21.1)        
         Oceania                     24 ( 1.4)        
      lifeExp (mean (SD))         59.47 (12.92)       
      pop (mean (SD))       29601212.32 (106157896.74)
      gdpPercap (mean (SD))     7215.33 (9857.45)     
         ### Summary of continuous variables ###
    strata: Overall
                 n miss p.miss  mean    sd median   p25   p75   min   max skew kurt
    lifeExp   1704    0      0 6e+01 1e+01  6e+01 5e+01 7e+01    24 8e+01 -0.3   -1
    pop       1704    0      0 3e+07 1e+08  7e+06 3e+06 2e+07 60011 1e+09  8.3   78
    gdpPercap 1704    0      0 7e+03 1e+04  4e+03 1e+03 9e+03   241 1e+05  3.9   28
         ### Summary of categorical variables ### 
    strata: Overall
           var    n miss p.miss    level freq percent cum.percent
     continent 1704    0    0.0   Africa  624    36.6        36.6
                                Americas  300    17.6        54.2
                                    Asia  396    23.2        77.5
                                  Europe  360    21.1        98.6
                                 Oceania   24     1.4       100.0
  2. Stratify Table

    tab2 = tableone::CreateTableOne(
      data = gapminder,
      vars = c('lifeExp','pop','gdpPercap'),
      strata = 'continent'
                           Stratified by continent
                            Africa                   Americas                 
      n                            624                       300              
      lifeExp (mean (SD))        48.87 (9.15)              64.66 (9.35)       
      pop (mean (SD))       9916003.14 (15490923.32) 24504795.00 (50979430.20)
      gdpPercap (mean (SD))    2193.75 (2827.93)         7136.11 (6396.76)    
                           Stratified by continent
                            Asia                       Europe                   
      n                             396                        360              
      lifeExp (mean (SD))         60.06 (11.86)              71.90 (5.43)       
      pop (mean (SD))       77038721.97 (206885204.62) 17169764.73 (20519437.65)
      gdpPercap (mean (SD))     7902.15 (14045.37)        14469.48 (9355.21)    
                           Stratified by continent
                            Oceania                 p      test
      n                             24                         
      lifeExp (mean (SD))        74.33 (3.80)       <0.001     
      pop (mean (SD))       8874672.33 (6506342.47) <0.001     
      gdpPercap (mean (SD))   18621.61 (6358.98)    <0.001     
  3. Save Table to CSV

    tab2_mat = print(tab2, quote = FALSE, nospaces = TRUE, printToggle = FALSE)
    write.csv(tab2_mat, file = "myTableOne.csv")
  4. Copy Table into LaTeX document (need to run in Console)

    knitr::kable(tab2_mat, format = 'latex')

Combining Kable and TableOne

tab2_mat %>%
  kableExtra::kbl() %>%
Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania p test
n 624 300 396 360 24
lifeExp (mean (SD)) 48.87 (9.15) 64.66 (9.35) 60.06 (11.86) 71.90 (5.43) 74.33 (3.80) <0.001
pop (mean (SD)) 9916003.14 (15490923.32) 24504795.00 (50979430.20) 77038721.97 (206885204.62) 17169764.73 (20519437.65) 8874672.33 (6506342.47) <0.001
gdpPercap (mean (SD)) 2193.75 (2827.93) 7136.11 (6396.76) 7902.15 (14045.37) 14469.48 (9355.21) 18621.61 (6358.98) <0.001

2.3 Figures

This example builds upon one on the gganimate website

ggplot: we can’t tell which year is which!

plot1 = ggplot2::ggplot(
    x = gdpPercap, 
    y = lifeExp, 
    size = pop, 
    color = country, 
    text = paste('Year:',year)
) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = country_colors) +
  scale_size(range = c(2, 12)) +
  scale_x_log10() +
  facet_wrap(~continent) +
    x = 'GDP per capita', 
    y = 'life expectancy'


plotly: we can hover to identify points for each country/year

Note: Only variables in aes() show up in the tooltip by default. A trick I used here is to add a text aesthetic to add the year to the tooltip.


gganimate: visually see data move over the years

Basics of gganimate:

  • transition_time() , transition_states():how the data should be spread out across time

  • enter_*(), exit_*(): how new data should appear and old data should disappear (e.g. fade in, shrink out)

Note: you need to install gifski and png packages before running the code below.

plot1 +
  transition_time(year) +
    title = 'Year: {frame_time}'