3  Pretty Reports

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3.4 Tabs

  n                            1704               
  continent (%)                                   
     Africa                     624 (36.6)        
     Americas                   300 (17.6)        
     Asia                       396 (23.2)        
     Europe                     360 (21.1)        
     Oceania                     24 ( 1.4)        
  lifeExp (mean (SD))         59.47 (12.92)       
  pop (mean (SD))       29601212.32 (106157896.74)
  gdpPercap (mean (SD))     7215.33 (9857.45)     
                       Stratified by continent
                        Africa                   Americas                 
  n                            624                       300              
  lifeExp (mean (SD))        48.87 (9.15)              64.66 (9.35)       
  pop (mean (SD))       9916003.14 (15490923.32) 24504795.00 (50979430.20)
  gdpPercap (mean (SD))    2193.75 (2827.93)         7136.11 (6396.76)    
                       Stratified by continent
                        Asia                       Europe                   
  n                             396                        360              
  lifeExp (mean (SD))         60.06 (11.86)              71.90 (5.43)       
  pop (mean (SD))       77038721.97 (206885204.62) 17169764.73 (20519437.65)
  gdpPercap (mean (SD))     7902.15 (14045.37)        14469.48 (9355.21)    
                       Stratified by continent
                        Oceania                 p      test
  n                             24                         
  lifeExp (mean (SD))        74.33 (3.80)       <0.001     
  pop (mean (SD))       8874672.33 (6506342.47) <0.001     
  gdpPercap (mean (SD))   18621.61 (6358.98)    <0.001     

3.5 Citations


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Citing in Your Report

  • For an in-text citation, leave it as is: @dempster1977 \(\rightarrow\) Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977)

  • For a parenthetical citation, put it in brackets: [@dempster1977] \(\rightarrow\) (Dempster, Laird, and Rubin 1977)

Dempster, A. P., N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin. 1977. “Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via theEMAlgorithm.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 39 (1): 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2517-6161.1977.tb01600.x.